Britney Reyes
ISSA Certified Personal Trainer

About Me

Hi! Welcome to my page, my name is Britney Reyes. I am a wife of 10 plus years and a mom of two beautiful children, who are 16 and 5. I found fitness after high school. I played softball all four years in high school and absolutely loved it. After I graduated high school I gained a lot of weight from not being active anymore and not fueling my body properly. I became very depressed and disappointed in myself. Like most, I didn't know where to start. I just started to walk around my local park, eventually I felt good enough to jog around that park. I became very consistent and dedicated to my cardio sessions, but I wanted more. I knew that more could be achieved I just had to figure it out. I eventually got my very first gym membership. I bought a 2 year membership at Costco and was thrilled. I learned basic strength training movements in magazines. Then YouTube and Instagram started to get bigger so I would copy athletes workouts that I admired. In 2020 I made a big investment in myself and my desire to learn and understand my body, so I hired a professional coach. She taught me so much about my body, I tracked everything my body did for a year. I now understand why my body does things and what to expect when my routine is off track. I fell in love with fitness and knew I had a passion to help others achieve confidence in their own skin and just feel their best. In February 2023 I took my test and passed! I am now certified to do what I absolutely love!

I have a passion for traditional strength training. If you are a female and your goal is to get stronger, loose weight, change the shape of your body or learn how to strength train safely, hit the contact me button and send me a message.