Britney Reyes
ISSA Certified Personal Trainer

Services & Rates

In person Training

In person strength training sessions that will include strength training program design, macronutrient guideline to follow, weekly check ins to ensure proper progression. I will manipulate training and macros weekly as I see your physique and/or biofeedback calls for. 

Online Training

Online Training will be solely online. I will create a macronutrient guideline to follow that will support the strength training program I will design for you. We will check in weekly to ensure proper progression is being achieved. I will manipulate macros and training as I see your physique or biofeedback calls for. 

Hybrid Training

Hybrid Training is a style of training that will be partially in-person and partially online. I will create a strength training program and macronutrient guideline for you to follow. We will have weekly checks to ensure proper progression is being achieved. I will manipulate macros and training as I see your physique and/or biofeedback calls for. 

The in-person training portion of the program will be the first week of every new program. You will train with me in-person every time I create a new program for you, generally that is every 5 weeks. Every 5 weeks you will learn new techniques and movements patterns. Following the week we train in-person you will work on your own the rest of the 4 weeks on the movement patterns I have trained you on. Each week I will change the progressive overload of your movement.