Britney Reyes
ISSA Certified Personal Trainer

Helpful Forms

The following forms are designed to help us work together more easily:

3-Day Dietary Form

This form is to collect data on what you're currently consuming.

Comprehensive Client Information Sheet

This is your comprehensive client information sheet. With this sheet, we will ask you to provide some relevant personal information. The answers to these questions are essential in order to allow us to design an optimized individual fitness program for you.


The Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire form.

Exercise History Questionnaire

A questionnaire to understand your exercise history.

Health History Questionnaire

This Form will help me understand the history of your health and if you have any limiting factors.

Client Dietary Worksheet

This form will help you keep track of your daily Macronutrients.

Initial Assessment

This form will help me understand what your expected outcome is working with me.

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